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Honored by the Native Americans as a “Sacred Stone” of wisdom and spiritual journeys. As a healing stone, Turquoise is among the crystal healing master stones. Being the stone of communication it is primarily associated with the Throat Chakra (5th) however Turquoise is said to open, strengthen and align all of the Chakras allowing the stone’s powers of love and communication to flow through the entire being. It can also be used to cleanse all your energy centers. It is recommended for people who have a fear of public speaking as it has the ability to make a speaker more eloquent, loving, creative and honest also improving the mental state overall by increasing all of the following positive mental characteristics: serenity, creativity, empathy, positive thinking, sensitivity, intuition, happiness wisdom all of which result in a calmer state that leads to greater self-realization. Its energy is receptive and some of the magical powers attributed to Turquoise are protection, courage, money, love, friendship, healing and luck.

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye.

Astro Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces.

  • Post author
    Estefania Guzman